EdD in Educational Leadership

现在比以往任何时候都更需要强大的教育工作者来引导和改变儿童的生活 students. 领导力可以指很多东西,从课堂领导和思想领导, to school or district management. Whatever your goals, the Wilkes Ed.D. in Educational 领导力将使你成为一个更好的老师、学习者和领导者,结合先进 concepts with decision making, mindfulness and ethics.

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Program Snapshot

Program Type Format Credit Hours
Doctoral Low Residency 54

Why Study Educational Leadership at Wilkes?

因为这是一段转型的职业旅程. It's relevant, rigorous, convenient and affordable. 但更重要的是,这是一个让自己沉浸在社区中的机会 志同道合的同行们带来了不同的观点和共同的挑战. 这是一个在你的领域获得最高学位的机会. It's your chance to address 教育工作者面临的最迫切的需求和挑战. And it's your chance to advance 你自己,对你的班级、地区和社区产生积极的影响 most importantly, in the lives of students.

In our low-residency program,您将与来自世界各地的学生一起学习,并建立改变生活的联系. 你还将与同行面对面和在线合作,形成一个丰富的网络 extends long beyond graduation. You'll attend three, 4-day residencies and complete a dissertation. 我们理解你所要平衡的一切,所以知道我们的课程 让你保持工作和生活的平衡,给你足够的灵活性 complete the program on your own terms. Plus, our generous transfer policy offers pathways to fasttrack your studies.

All educators can benefit from becoming leaders. Earning your doctorate in education 能给你一个成长为领导者和追求新的职业机会的机会吗 that are both challenging and rewarding. Choose a specialization that fits your personal 或职业目标:K-12行政与PA总监的资格证书 or Educational Leadership.


  • Educational Technology
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Leadership Studies
  • Educational Climate and Safety
  • PA Principal Leadership & Certification

我们所有的课程都是为了帮助您扩大教学影响力和专业知识而设计的 while influencing meaningful change in education. 

What Will You Learn as an EdD Student?

  • 探索领导,学术和实践的原则,为你的影响做好准备 change in educational and organizational systems. This is incredibly valuable for 那些想要成为管理者或想要产生更大影响的人 in their classrooms or communities.
  • You'll study leadership theory, ethical leadership, diversity and inclusion, learning 理论/认知,课程/教学领导以及如何领导战略组织 transformation.
  • 你将发展成为一个有效的领导者所需要的基本技能,包括内在的 在课堂之外,在一个充满活力的教育环境中. You'll be able to 预测并影响组织中任何层次的有意义的变化.
  • 课程设置为硕士研究生54个学分,其中领导能力9个学分 核心课程,24学分的内容领域课程,12学分的研究课程和 9 credits of dissertation. 如果一年要修12到18个学分,这个项目就可以 completed in three to four years.

Program Highlights

Four-Day Residencies

在整个项目中,你将参加三次实习,选择时间和地点 that suits you best. 在实习期间,你将与你的同伴见面并建立联系 and engage with course content with doctoral faculty. Residencies are demanding, rewarding and motivating.

Academic Rigor

你将在你专注的领域接受全面的培训,并获得有效的效果 人际交往和沟通能力,分析决策能力和有效性 leadership strategies.


研究和实习深深地嵌入在这个项目中. You'll learn to apply 研究识别和研究当前教育领域的问题和问题 并分析结果数据,以改善教育. All students write a culminating dissertation.

Wilkes is accessible and affordable, EdD课程非常适用于我每天的工作.

Matt Barrett, 2014级教育硕士,西韦恩学区主管

This program, the phenomenal professors, 出色的同学和出色的学习改变了我的生活,无论是作为一名专业人士还是作为一个人!

Jaime Brianna -北京西方中学高中校长

This was one of the greatest experiences of my life. 我从来没有经历过像澳门赌场在线娱乐教育博士项目中那样的支持.

Kaitlin Besko'19 - EdD

International EdD

澳门赌场在线娱乐博士学位是为想要取得成功的教师和领导者设计的 a difference by improving education around the world. Classes are held with three four-day residencies held at international sites. The program was designed to empower 国际课堂教师,以及超前的当前或有志教育 leaders. 即将到来的国际驻地将在迪拜举行.

Explore the Program


Careers & Outcomes

我们的毕业生是具有所需技能和性格的教育领导者 在各自领域担任领导职务. Earning a doctorate 能使毕业生胜任高级教育领导职位 school districts, universities, or private industry. Graduates serve in a variety 具备教学、领导、咨询、研究、课程等方面的能力 development and more. Below are typical job titles.

Job Titles

  • Professor
  • Curriculum Developer
  • Provost 
  • Superintendent
  • Educational Consultant
  • Elementary, Middle and High School Principal
  • Chief Learning Officer
  • Educational Administrator
  • Academic Dean
  • Executive Director of Education


我们的低住院医师教育博士课程提供两种专业选择,以配合您的需求 personal and professional goals:


为了符合这个项目的资格,你必须提供六年满意的证明 学校工作经验,其中至少三份必须担任监督或行政工作 capacity.

Educational Leadership

这种专业化提供了与您的个人一致的选择浓度 or professional goals:

  • Educational Technology
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Leadership Studies
  • PA Principal Leadership & Certification
  • Educational Climate and Safety