家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) 为学生提供有关其教育记录的某些权利. 学生 只有澳门赌场在线娱乐大学就读才能获得这些权利. 就读于澳门赌场在线娱乐 begins with either the first day of class or the date 学生 moves into student 住房,以先到者为准. 澳门赌场在线娱乐选择假设所有学生 是否已达到文件中规定的法定成年年龄(18岁).

Consequently, bills and grades are sent, in 学生’s name, directly to the permanent 学生的地址. 期中通知直接寄给学生 他们的校内、校外或永久地址. 期中考试是例外 evaluations for first-year students and students who are on academic probation. 那些 mid-term records of satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance and attendance are sent to 学生s at their appropriate address and to the parents or legal guardians 在这些学生中.

In accordance with the provision of The Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act, students, upon request, will be given access to all their evaluative or opinion records 是澳门赌场在线娱乐建立起来的. 这类记录通常包括维护的记录 by the 就业服务办事处, Health Services, 注册商, and the 办公室 of Student 事务. 这些记录将在有关人员在场的情况下开放供查阅 大学官方. 在程序上,学生必须提前预约 to review their files and the University has a maximum of 45 days following the request 制作记录.


记录类型 办公室
学术信息 教务主任办公室
职业、就业服务记录 就业服务办事处
财务记录 控制器的办公室
财政援助记录 财政援助办事处
医疗记录 健康服务办事处
居住生活和纪律记录 住宿生活或学生生活与成功办公室
学生人事/成绩单/纪律记录/官方信件 学生生活与成功办公室


  1. Letters of reference and recommendation placed in a student’s file prior to 1/1/1975,
  2. Parent’s financial records unless written authorization is obtained from parents,
  3. 大学工作人员为帮助记忆而制作的私人笔记.
  4. 申请澳门赌场在线娱乐被拒的记录.
  5. 未包含在FERPA教育记录定义中的记录.

The 注册商 releases directory information: 学生’s name, address (including email address), telephone number, photograph, field of study, dates of attendance, degrees, awards, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended by 学生. 这些信息可能会在未经学生同意的情况下公布. 一个学生 可要求注册官不公布该等资料. This request must be made in writing to the 注册商 by the end of the first week 这学期的课程. 此类请求必须每年提交一次.

Directory Information is not published for distribution to vendors, but is furnished 向执法机构和大学社区提供信息.

Information contained in a student’s record may not be released without 学生’s 书面同意,但以下情况除外:

  • 披露须经学生书面授权. 当大学发布或 discloses information to third parties pursuant to a student's written authorization, it is done on the condition that the third party to whom the information or record is released or disclosed will not, in turn, release or disclose it to anyone else 未经学生明确书面同意.
  • Disclosure is to University officers or employees who need to know so as to accomplish 与其职能相关的合法目的.
  • Disclosure is to officials of other schools in which a student intends to enroll.
  • 披露对象是受抚养学生的家长. 依赖状态,用于目的 本政策声明的内容,由美国国税局的指导方针定义. 文档 必须在信息发布之前提供吗.
  • Disclosure is to specified representatives of governmental agencies, educational organizations or other entities as described by federal regulations or otherwise required by state 或者联邦法律. 记录保管人应当随时取得第三者的解释 各方要求提供个人身份信息.
  • Disclosure is in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial 援助.
  • 披露符合行为命令或传票. 接待工作人员 such order, shall, if possible, immediately notify 学生 concerned in writing 在遵守该命令或传票之前.
  • Disclosure is to parents of students under the age of 21 who are found to be in violation 酒精和/或毒品政策.
  • Information from University records may be released to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the 学生或其他人的健康或安全.

澳门赌场在线娱乐’s guidelines for implementing FERPA are maintained by the Vice President 学生事务. 学生应该向以下方面提出疑问、担忧或问题:


学生 may file formal complaints regarding alleged failure of the College to comply 与FERPA合作,与美国家庭政策合规办公室合作.S. 教育部, 南马里兰大道400号.W.华盛顿特区.C. 20202-4605.

The 注册商’s 办公室 will maintain a record kept with the permanent educational record of each student which will indicate all parties other than those listed above and in 99:30 of the Act who have requested and obtained access to a student’s record which will indicate specifically the legitimate interest that each party has in obtaining 这个信息.

During each academic year the Marketing Communications 办公室 will, for various reasons, 向媒体发送包含学生信息的新闻稿. 信息可能包括 items such as: name, address (including email address), telephone listing, date and place of birth, name and address of parent or guardian, major field, photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (if one is a member of an athletic team), dates of attendance, degrees and awards received; the Dean’s List; lists of graduates, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution 由学生出席.

Under The Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act, students have the right to withhold 披露任何或所有上述项目. Written notification to withhold 这个信息 from the media must be received each year by the Marketing Communication 办公室 by the end of the first week of classes 本学期的. 此类请求必须每年提交一次.

A request to withhold any or all of the above data will not restrict internal use 大学提供的材料.


  1. 检查和审查教育记录中所载信息的权利.
  2. The right to request amendment of educational records to ensure they are not inaccurate, 误导或以其他方式侵犯隐私或其他权利.
  3. The right to consent to disclosure, with exceptions specified in the Act, of personally 来自教育记录的可识别信息.
  4. 这是机构政策的副本.
  5. The right to file complaints with the Department of Education concerning alleged failure 本机构必须遵守该法案.

学生 may waive any or all rights to review confidential letters and statements 推荐信.


  1. 该机构可能不要求豁免.
  2. No institutional service or benefit be denied students who fail to supply waivers.
  3. Documents for which a student has waived the right to access are used only for the 收集豁免书的目的.
  4. 弃权书必须采用书面形式并由学生签名.